Home Insurance Quotation Worksheet Accord Home Owner Application
Present Company: Premium: Effective Date:
Date: Producer: Name: Address: Home Phone: When: Business Phone: When: Occupation/Employer: DOB: SS#: How did you hear about our agency: May we offer you a quote on your auto insurance: Present Co: Exp.Date:
What Form: HO 1 Basic HO 2 Broad HO3 Special HO 4 Tenant HO 6 Condo A: Personal Property: $25,000 $,50,000 Other B: Liability: $100,000 $300,000 $250,000/500,000 Other C: Loss of Use: $20,000 Other: D: Medical Payment: $5,000 Other: E: Dwelling Structure: $100,000 Other F: Other Structure: G: Additions/Alterations: H: Additional Premises Rented Others I: Deductibles: $250 $500 $$250/500THFT Other
Other Endorsements: Jewelry: Furs: Other:
Underwriting: 1. Primary Residence: Secondary Residence: 2. Wood Masonry Fire Resistive 3. Year Built * Year Systems Renovated: Electrical Plumbing Heating Roof 4. Swimming Pool: Y N Above Ground Below Fenced: Y N 5. 24 Hour Doorman: Y N 6. Number of Dogs: Breed: 7. Wood Burning Stove: Y N 8: Alarm Credits: Smoke alarms only: Y N Central Station: Fire Burglary Local Alarm: Fire Burglary 9. Dead Bolt Locks: All Doors Y N 10: Distance from Fire Station: 11: Distance from fire Hydrant: 12: All Household Residence Non-Smokers: Y N 13: Mortgagee:
List any claims' Dates, Descriptions, and Amounts Paid:
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